1. Stage Show

To start off the day, a series of demonstrations will be conducted in the cafeteria. These demonstrations are related to the major fields of science and are designed to captivate, engage and dazzle the audience. Make sure to involve yourself during the audience participation time so that you don't miss out on the fun! 

2. AYJ Kahoots

Did you know: the only letter that doesn't appear on the periodic table is J? Indulge Yourself into the world of Science in a competitive game of Trivia, and dive into the endless run of questions. Work with your team members and climb to the top of leaderboard. Let's unleash the magic of learning!

3. Chemystery

This activity has been kept a secret to remain a cheMYSTERY to you all! Uncover the surprise on Science Olympics Day... it will surely BLOW your mind!

4. Bridge the Gap

The Bridge Load Limit weighs on you. It's a heated race to build and test a makeshift bridge that covers the endless chasm and supports as many cars as possible. Even more importantly, to withstand more weight than your rivals! 

5. AY-viation

AY-viation is a perfect combination of ingenious aerospace engineering and a relay. The contestants must use their immaculate problem solving skills along with their knowledge of aircrafts to create a glider with the objective of being able to successfully overcome obstacles that even the brightest engineers have trouble solving!


6. Bio Relay

It's a race to see who can save their team life in Bio Relay. Compete in a variety of events related to different fields in biology, such as the human body and ecology! Complete all the tasks in the fastest time to win! But don't forget to take a picture of your winning team!